
Serves 6 (as a side dish)

  • Half red cabbage, outer layer removed
  • 2 medium carrots, peeled
  • 2 apples, any variety
  • 2 red peppers, romano or bell
  • 2 tbsp Greek/natural yoghurt
  • ½ avocado
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • pinch of salt and pepper to taste


  • ½ tsp z’atar spice mix

The recipe

I love coleslaw but the tubs that you can buy in supermarkets are often very high in saturated and trans fats, with more sauce than vegetables! So I prefer to make my own – and as with a lot of my recipes, this is one you can experiment with. Add extra veggies or substitute ones that I’ve used for some leftovers you’ve got sitting in the fridge.


  • Grate the carrots and apples into a large bowl
  • Chop the cabbage as finely as you can, so that you’re left with long, thin strips. Add to the bowl.
  • Chop the peppers as finely as you can – again, making long, thin strips. Add to the bowl.
  • Mash the avocado and the lemon juice together and add to the bowl with the yoghurt
  • Mix everything together and add salt and pepper to taste. You can add the z’atar spice at this point if you want to.