
Serves 1

  • ¼ of a long cucumber
  • 1 celery stick
  • 1 handful spinach (frozen works well)
  • ½ avocado
  • Handful frozen grapes (white or red)
  • 3 tbsp 0% fat Greek yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp rolled oats
  • 1 scoop protein powder (optional)

The recipe

Starting my day with this smoothie makes me feel very smug – just look at all those amazing green ingredients! The grapes make it sweet and the avocado makes it creamy. It’s also very satisfying and should keep the tanks topped up until lunch since it has protein (yoghurt and protein powder, if using), fats (avocado) and complex carbohydrates (oats). Keeping smoothies well-balanced is essential to keeping you off the blood-glucose rollercoaster, maintaining your energy levels instead of letting them peak and crash.


  • Add everything to your blender and whizz it up! You may need to chop some of the ingredients before adding them, depending on which blender you have.